Wordle & Obama

Thought this was really cool. Found via Twitter from a dude who was at the same concert as I was last night.

Barack Obama speech word cloud

Barack Obama speech word cloud

This was created via Wordle – kind of neat if we were to paste in a client’s press release or other collateral, may help with SEO?

“Wordle is a toy for generating ‘word clouds’ from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.”

 By Jes

DNC Blogger Central

It is nearly impossible to convey the madness that has overtaken my city this week. Thousands of Americans who live at lower altitudes have invaded my little metro cowtown and we’re doing our best to host. I’ve taken 8 bazillion photos and have only begun to upload them. Amazing people flit in and out of the scene. The founder of Daily Kos just gave me a hug while the governor of Massachusetts brushes past us. I ran into Susan Sarandon at a crosswalk and last night, I saw Madeline Albright head into a bar.  She’s a crazy lush that one.

Hanging out in The Big Tent’s blogger lounge all week has been a blast. Beyond the Google smoothies and the free food and booze, I’m meeting bloggers from all over the country. In fact, last night I met an American who lives in Argentina and represents Democrats Abroad – he was just one of the six million expats who live outside the U.S. but still vote in the elections.

The space is cramped and loud and power outlets are few. We introduce ourselves easily and make room nonetheless. Last night I dined with a young women who had just finished up her tour in AmeriCorps as a teacher.  I see name badges on the street that say things like “Senataor So-and-So” and “State Rep. Whatshisface.” Abortion protestors, ‘Hillaristas’ (“It’s not over!”), and loads of bored cops in full riot gear on every corner – these are the sights here in Denver this week.

I’d write more but this is my first post here and I’m still getting used to the new format. I’m trying to include a photo in this post and the preview doesn’t tell me smack. Will post again later.

The DNC and new media

Anticipation for the Democratic National Convention is palpable. And, of course, there has been much to-do about the (continued) role that social media and technology will play at this particular event.

Arianna Huffington posts today about a panel that the HuffPo will be hosting – with Universal Music Group – during the DNC about the ways that social media has impacted this campaign. The panel line up includes representatives from the new media (YouTube co-founder and Will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas, who launched the “Yes We Can” music video on YouTube) and traditional media (Stephanopoulos of ABC and publisher of Washington Post) sides, as well as a panelist from SNL – on the role that satire has played in this campaign (interesting!) and also repping the business perspective, a UMG public policy/government SVP. The  happens Tuesday at The Brown Palace hotel in Denver. Should be interesting, wish I could go!

Cliz – if you go, will you please take pictures and blog about it? Pretty please??? With a cherry on top!!?


