Zuckerberg: We’re going to serve 1 billion like buttons on the Web

At Facebook’s F8 conference, Mark Zuckerberg announced ways he wants to make the Web more like heaven. One of these ways is getting Facebook “like” buttons all over the Web. I “like” it. I also request some “unlike” buttons, just because sometimes I don’t.

Zuckerberg on stage, from VentureBeat

Printing from the Cloud – Google says “Yes We Can”

"Our goal is to build a printing experience that enables any app (web, desktop, or mobile) on any device to print to any printer anywhere in the world."

Google announced that it’s close to devising a plan to print from the cloud. The reason Google wants to do this? Because the company is building tools to make all your devices “stateless,” that is, with all the information hosted on their servers and sent to your device as needed. One of the hurdles to this dream, “in the cloud” existence has been printer drivers. If you aren’t installing anything on your physical device, how does your device communicate with the printer? Google wants to take on the role of translator. When you want to print something, it will get sent straight from the cloud to the printer. Nothing to install, just walk to the printer and grab your double-sided, single-spaced, recycled-paper document ;).

I like where this is going — I’ve reached a point where I keep most of my personal documents online and am always jumping from computer to computer…work, home, boyfriend’s computers. In this scenario, I could hit “print” from any of these places and my world would keep on turning.

–Sharon Howell

Facebook and Twitter “Face” Off – Which is Best for Marketing??

Rawwwr — Facebook Marketing Machine Reigns Supreme

Marketing Profs (gurus on all things marketing) just came out with a study, “The State of Social Media Marketing.” The study, of course, took a look at which social media machine reigns supreme. The key contenders: Facebook and Twitter.

The study hinted that Facebook may be a the queen bee marketing tool (over Twitter), simply because it’s stickier. Twitter faces out and Facebook faces in, targeting users who may spend more time seeing and reacting to companies’ marketing ploys. My personal experience tells me the same thing. Though my social media-crazed personality keeps me attuned to both platforms, Facebook sucks me in like a black hole…and I love every second of it.

A secret formula for getting retweeted?

An article in Fast Company, today explores the DNA of tweets that get retweeted based on the findings of Hubspot viral marketing scientist Dan Zarrella. The moral of the story is that the more the tweet focuses on you and your life, the less likely it is to be retweeted.

That doesn’t come as a huge surprise. I don’t think I’ve ever had someone RT my mundane musings. It would be odd for people to do so! Generally the use of slang and poor grammar make a tweet less retweet-worthy as well. An interesting finding was that the squeaky wheel does sometimes get the oil. That is, people who ask to be retweeted often get what they ask for.

(via Fast Company)

Here are the words you shouldn’t be tweeting if you want to go viral:

…..and…. you should tweet on Friday at 4pm, apparently. I suppose this is when the cubicle-bound masses mentally check out before they get going on their weekend plans.

May all your tweets be bountiful!


New Facebook Fan Box Widget – brand engagement o-rama

Facebook just rolled out a Fan Box Widget. This is basically, as Facebook puts it, “to gain more fans and share your Facebook updates.”

All it takes is embedding the code on your site, so big companies or musicians or …. dog groomers could easily take advantage of this.

To me, this is Facebook’s response to the huge uptick of people and companies embedding their Twitter feed onto their sites. Companies like Zappos have made this a huge part of their community interaction and company transparency initiatives.

This should be a great way to easily create a gateway for brands to socialize with their audiences. Also, there’s a potential to include it or embed it with a product launch release/microsite and to drive fans of individual products (like a new handset, for instance). We at Harold’s Kids will experiment on how to get this going on our blog! To be continued . . .

Michael Jackson Memorial – CNN coverage streamed with Facebook Statuses

A la the inauguration, CNN has partnered with Facebook to stream coverage of Michael Jackson’s memorial alongside commentary from Facebook. It’s going on right now, join the conversation here: http://www.facebook.com/ext/share.php?sid=100639101957&h=S-ADC&u=fwrDx&ref=nf

Screenshot of Facebook status stream accompanying CNN's live broadcast

Screenshot of Facebook status stream accompanying CNN's live broadcast

Web Site Story – CollegeHumor video pokes fun at trendiest Web sites

Story of our lives, huh?

Vodpod videos no longer available.

The iPhone 3GS – Announced at WWDC 2009

Credit: CrunchGear

Credit: CrunchGear

At WWDC, Apple just announced the newest iPhone — the iPhone 3GS. “S” stands for Speed. iPhone 3GS will have video, better camera quality. Built-in video editing. Voice control, compass, Copy and Paste!

There will be no change to the hardware. The 16GB will run $199 with the 32GB at $299. iPhone 3G will be $99, so used ones will probably be selling for around $50. This lowers the barrier to entry for new iPhone users a lot.

The iPhone 3GS will be available starting June 19, 2009. I’m guessing lines will begin forming…NOW.

Apple’s site is updated with 3GS information: http://www.apple.com/iphone/

Face-to-Facebook Confession: The Pope’s on it


pope2you.net is the new Web hub for all things pope

pope2you.net is the new Web hub for all things pope

Holy heck! The Pope is rocking the social media world. His holiness has a site, pope2you.net, is on YouTube, Facebook and the iPhone. One can only guess that Twittering is not so far away. Maybe doing a 140 character Mass? Condensing the “Our Father” into 140 characters. I would love to see it done.

Here’s the bad news: He’s not a Facebook member, per se (sorry, you can’t poke the pope quite yet). They’ve actually created a Facebook application called “The pope meets you on Facebook,” which allows people to see the Pope’s speeches and messages, same deal for iPhones / iPods.

Growing up Catholic, I think it’s so cool to see this happening. A church traditionally known for being, well, traditional, is changing the game to interact with young christians. 

A quote from a Reuters article reads: “We recognize that a church that does not communicate ceases to be a church,” said Monsignor Paul Tighe, secretary of the Vatican’s Social Communications department.

Did anyone else gasp “the Catholic church has a social media department?!” These are the times, eh? The whole initiative was launched around the Vatican’s World Communications Day this Sunday. Well done, Vatican.

CEOs who Twitter


Richard Branson, CEO/twitterer

Richard Branson, CEO/twitterer



Businessweek recently put out an article about the top 50 twittering CEOs.

Virgin Group’s Richard Branson, Zappos.com’s Tony Hsieh, and dozens more CEOs harness the simple powers of Twitter. Guy Kawasaki of Alltop uses the microblogging service as a way to broadcast; Phil Libin of Evernote has been converted to Twitter after being a skeptic; and Gary Stockman of Porter Novelli likes being able to engage in global conversations. 


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